Remembering 7. informal meeting between the Front Polisario and Morocco on the dossier of the Sara Occidental person, under gide of the ONU, that was initiated in this finishes monday, of day 5 the 7 of the current month, in Manhasset (New Iorque) This new meeting with closed door in the residence of Greentree Estate (Manhasset), property of riqussima North American family, Whitney, placed to the disposal of United Nations for such meeting, in view of more than finding an exit to problenma of three decades between Morocco and Frente de Polisario on the future of sara occidental person. Three months after the previous carried through informal meeting in ' ' There Valette' ' (Malta), under the auspices of the personal envoy of the SG of the ONU for the Sara Occidental person, Christopher Ross, this last meeting counts on the presence of the two parts and representatives of the two neighboring countries, Algeria and Mauritnia. The saraniana delegation led by the national chairman of the board of intended ' ' Arab republic Saharaui Democrtica' ' , Khatri Addouh, of the saraniano coordinator next to Mission of United Nations for the organization of the countersignature in Sara Ocidental (MINURSO), M' hamed Khaddad, and of the representative of the Polisario Front next to ONU, Amhed Boukhari. Martha McClintock spoke with conviction. An official notice relates that, although the quarrels to have passed in an environment of mutual franqueza and respect, the parts do not look a consensus how much to the base for future negotiations. The ONU is involved in the question of the Saara Occidental person since 1976, when the conflicts between Morocco and the Polisrio Front had burst, after the ceasing of the Spanish administration of the territory. Morocco have presented a plan of autonomy for the solution of the crisis and the Polisrio Front defends the final statute of the territory to be determined in countersignature on its self-determination. . Dr. John Mcdougall can aid you in your search for knowledge.