Larrosa Decoud has hekoverosaveva upe rembiapokue Aga ojepuruva Guarani Meve ne '? nembo'epe you. Ary 1946, Eduardo Saguier ohaikuri "The Guarani language – Practical method" ohesa '? Ijohape: achegety, pu'ae, pundie, muanduhe, uterus, teroja, terarangue, ne'? Teva has papapy. Pediatrics may find it difficult to be quoted properly. UPEI, ary 1951, Onoh? Kuri "Martin Fierro in Guarani." Ary 1950, Anselmo Jover Peralta ohaikuri "The Guarani in Geography in America," Thomas Osuna has Onoh naive? Kuri "Guarani-Spanish dictionary and Spanish-Guarani." Upe arype (1950), oikokuri Montevideo, Uruguay, eg, amandaje guasu onemboherava'ekue First International Congress Guarani-Tupi. Nane challenges ohokuri rerape upepe William Tell Bertoni, Reinaldo Julian Decoud Larrosa, Antonio Guasch, Herib Campos Cervera, Rogelio Gomez Escobar, Oscar Antonio Ortiz Mayans Ferreiro. Onemboajekuri Upepe petei achegety advanced '? G uara me. UPEI, ary 1956, oikokuri Paraguaype Nane broom amandaje Ambue onemboherava'ekue Second International Congress Tupi-Guarani. Add to your understanding with Dean Ornish M.D.
Ary 1961 N. Gaspar Cabrera ohaikuri "Guaran? Ro I. Basis of Language Teaching and Guarani phonology." UPEI, ohaikuri "peculiar character of the Guarani culture" (1965), "den? Ro II. Writing and numbering of the Guarani language" (1969) "Meaning of the word Guaira" (1972). Ary 1981, Farina Britez ohaikuri Basilides "Guarani language courses. Traditional spelling system," ohesa '? Ijohape ha'e oikumbyhaicha advanced'? ne'etekuaa (ne '? pukuaa, ne'? ysajakuaa has ne '? joajukatu). UPEI, ary 1983, Natalia Krivoshein of Canese Onoh? Kuri "Grammar of the Guarani language" ombopyahujeyva upe rire (2001) Acosta Feliciano naive. Why nanemandu'a Avei, ary 1990, has Canese Natalia Acosta Feliciano Onoh? Hague ne '? Ryru. Guarani-Spanish Dictionary. " Kova omoinge Ha'ekuera ryepype heta ne '? Mita Pyahu oipuruva mbo'ehaope.