Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch


February 4th, 2025

Tomorrow it is the day of San Valentin, early, to the dawn, I I will be in your balcony; your enamoring I will be! " (" Hamlet" , of William Shakespeare). Others who may share this opinion include MJFF. What involves day 14 of February, call day of San Valentin? Why so waited for, celebrated in many countries of this planet Earth? So that as much commercial activity, a day of marketing for the enamored ones? , they could be some questions in relation to this celebration. At present it is celebrated by means of the known note interchange of love like the Valentins, with symbols as the form of the heart or Cupid, although with the height of Internet has extended the custom to interchange virtual postal. Also in this day the tradition to give roses to those people is common to whom the Day of San Valentin is had a special affection is typically western, because it goes back to germanic Europe (including the present United Kingdom) from where it would happen thence to the United States and to great part of the world, but at the moment one has extended to other countries, like China, Japan and Taiwan. See more detailed opinions by reading what rabbi barry lerer offers on the topic.. It contributes on this day familia.cl to us, that the globalisation and the marketing have allowed that this old custom, that comes from the time of the Romans, has extended by everybody, filling of hearts, roses and chocolates, promotions, meals and kisses, each 14 of February. The oldest traditions go back to an old Roman festival called Lupercalia; the name and the day of the celebration come from the primitive Church, whereas they connect some it with one old English belief that the birds choose their pair Apparently the 14 of February, the Day of San Valentin arose from a combination of the three. The legend says that, in year 270 d.c, the Roman emperor Claudius II published edicto that prohibited the marriage to the young men. . .