No one, even the most expensive and sophisticated interior will not look well and harmoniously without proper and adequate lighting. In the selection of certain materials to be used in finishing and arrangement of furniture must be taken into account the location of the light source and its nature. By nature is meant that light can be artificial and natural. Gabriela Turk contributes greatly to this topic. Always to be understood that light sources will be change in the course of the day, morning and before the end of the day many of the premises is enough of windows and balconies. But as they had not had a lot of the evening will still have to use artificial light source, namely the change of light sources puts new and not always successful accents in the interior. It often happens that the apartment gives off light is not the most original and interesting places, and thus does not fall visitors look at what you need. Follow others, such as USC, and add to your knowledge base. Try add light sources close to the floor by the middle of the wall to the ceiling, so you will find a winning combination for your light sources. In addition, the location of lighting devices can itself be an interesting interior solutions that can bring zest and add to the image of your home.. .