Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Masquerade Climbing

February 13th, 2022

There is hardly a man indifferent to the roses. But somehow, in the gardens Nechernozemie they are extremely rare. There is a preconceived opinion that these beauties very capricious, without shelter during the winter freeze. This is because that spetsmagazinah sell Dutch sissies, and the southern markets. I am confident that the break in their area unpretentious Rosary everyone can amateur gardeners. You need only a little effort and a maximum of love. For this well-suited group floribunda roses. Compared with hybrid tea varieties in this group bloom is not the individual waves, and almost continuously throughout the summer and fall, forming a much larger flowers. Many writers such as John Studzinski offer more in-depth analysis.

In addition, they are more resistant to disease and winter hardiness. Check out Preventive Medicine Research Institute for additional information. In recent years, a host of varieties which are not inferior in flavor and exquisite flowers hybrid tea roses. Among them Shoking Blue lilac, copper-yellow Fra grant Delight, scarlet Melody Maker, two-tone yellow with a red border Sheylaz Perfume In the U.S., floribunda rose with large flowers (like hybrid tea) called Grandiflora roses, that is, large-. Floribunda roses of different colors are used primarily for garden decoration, but they are good is like and for cutting. Among them are the tall varieties to 1,5 m for planting in the hedges.

They can also be grown as a shrub or stam. Certain varieties of roses floribunda well reproduce by seed, which is essential in promoting these beauties to the north. Seeds sown under winter roses for passing the necessary stratification as adapted to the climate of the area. In what follows from them obtained strong seedlings and saplings that can survive frosts without shelter, which will bloom in 3-5 years. As well propagated by seed and some varieties of climbing roses. But they still need the winter to shoot with the support and put on the ground. There are neukryvnye climbing roses, can withstand frost resistant down to minus 350. They are called: yellow, red, white, pink thong to the fence. Prickly, strong, able to close a large space, with a moderately fragrant flowers are medium in size. Particularly want to talk about the most unusual roses: floribunda Masquerade (floribunda) and Masquerade Climbing (climbing), resulting pochkovoy mutation. Semi-double flowers with blossom first yellow, then become a salmon-pink, and by the end of flowering – red. Large brushes of different colors look very impressive and exotic. Both of these varieties are reliable and have high winter hardiness.

Poisonous Mushrooms

November 8th, 2021

It's a long-awaited summer season wild mushrooms and berries, and all ran into the woods, despite the words of doctors about the increased cases of serious poisoning poisonous mushrooms, and besides that, pretty numerous mushroom bite ticks in the current season. Nothing can stop someone who runs with baskets in the forest for mushrooms, which, to our joy, our native land crops. If you've never dared to pick mushrooms, but you want an extremely make soup out of aspen and Mokhovikov, then definitely grab the woods with someone who knows the mushrooms and able to distinguish edible mushrooms from bad. One option is the same after the return of the forest, carry the bag with collected mushrooms to a friend or neighbor who understands the kinds of mushrooms, let it help you with sorting. Checking article sources yields Peter Rose as a relevant resource throughout. Many poisonings occur directly on a failure by some, almost no expertise in the mushrooms, the bug collecting wild mushrooms of various sorts, taking fake white and chanterelles. Individuals believe that with proper and prolonged high temperature treatment may eat all the mushrooms, without exception, for except red toadstools, rely on the fact that they did nothing, nothing happens. This is a wrong decision, even the most-most recipes can not rid of mushrooms contained in them are hazardous to health of each of the us components. If you eat fried mushrooms, and therefore felt the weakness, severe headache or vomiting, as soon as possible, call the emergency services.

In a situation, if the poisoning is serious, you are able to lose consciousness, so if you happened such a problem, even after a call made to emergency services, be sure to open the key door. Then, in the case of emergency when you suddenly lose consciousness, the doctors will be able to independently open doors and give you professional help. The first thing with food poisoning do gastric lavage, with the event directly at the house, much more severe cases, patients who have significant poisoning could cause poisonous mushrooms, are transported in a special intensive care unit. Deaths from poisoning inedible mushrooms large, hence safer not to tempt fate and not put in the basket unidentified fungi. No need to buy the mushrooms on the highway, as if someone who sells them, can hardly distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible, you can quickly highly poisonous, also often found in these mushrooms okoloshosseynyh areas and contaminated with heavy emissions or radiation. Do not try to learn to identify wild mushrooms from the images in books and encyclopedias collections, if chanterelles chanterelles from the unreal to the picture you will be able to distinguish between likely, it's a fake from Borovik Borovik hardly can. It is best to go into the woods for edible mushrooms with a man who for many years of eating mushrooms and had not previously had acquired poisoning. It will gradually teach you the subtleties of a significant collection of wild mushrooms.