Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Healthy Pregnancy Foods

January 22nd, 2022

Before you get pregnant, it is recommended that you follow a proper diet so that your body is as healthy as possible at the time of the pregnancy. It is important to include abundant fruits and vegetables, that will provide your body the vitamins and micronutrients necessary for your health and that of your future baby. There are some foods that it is very important that you include in your diet to get pregnant and have good amount of them for your baby: they are iron, folic acid and calcium. The contribution of iron is essential to prevent anemia in yourself and your baby. If you would like to know more then you should visit Cardiologist. There is plenty of iron in red meat, chicken and fish, as well as liver, lentils, and vegetables of dark green, such as Chard and spinach leaf. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jonathan Friedland is the place to go. Folic acid serves as also prevent anemia and also prevents the appearance of neurological abnormalities in the baby, such as e.g. spina bifida.

Foods with good amount of folic acid include green vegetables, potatoes and meat. But also It is recommending an extra supply of folic acid in the form of pills that you have to take every day, a few months before you become pregnant or at the beginning of the pregnancy. Calcium is very important for the formation of the bones of your baby, so it is important that you increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium such as milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy. To fix the calcium in your bones and thus be able to store it, you should do some exercise sparingly, as a daily walk for 40 minutes, for example. You should not make low-calorie diets or restrict any kind of food to get pregnant. Low-calorie diets can affect ovulation, and the regimes which are based on a single food or exclude some kind of food in particular, are dangerous, since they could decrease the supply of important nutrients. If you want to get pregnant naturally fully within 60 days, no matter your age, please Click here.

Body Easily Hemorrhoids

November 12th, 2021

Hemorrhoids, a discomfort for those who suffer from it, recent studies have discovered that 4 of every 10 adults suffer from this disease, a number very loud and alarming, since hemorrhoids are not presented as an evil attempt against life, but with the time to treat them or to relieve them, leaving aside some activities that we filled pleasure and hence cut us life timewell we can not already eat all types of food, our physical activities will be interrupted, and we must be aware find and meet many treatments for hemorrhoids. Why its importance of this disease, despair no more, you will find treatments that meet the demands of your situation on the following lines: the most important thing is to recover to have a diet with high fiber content, we find cereals such as rice and oats; fruits such as strawberries, mangoes, pears, oranges, lemons, plums; and vegetables like potatoes, broccoli, carrot, spinach yuccas. Also use creams and ointments in order to stop the burning and inflammation, We must apply directly to the rectal area where are hemorrhoid located, stopping they are bursting to reduce its size, but we are still running the risk to recover its size at the end of the effect of these products again. In conclusion is to alleviate and a temporary treatment. We can use medications to manage it regulate the blood pressure of the affected veins, they found more commonly in presentations of pills, help to reinforce the walls of mucous membranes which have been stretched by swelling of the veins, worse has very dangerous side effects. Treatments for hemorrhoids are many, but the most effective is still surgery or cryotherapy, but it is usual to use this treatment when it is serious, because when the hemorrhoids are in initial stages we can solve by following the tips above..

Developing Human In Venezuela

July 26th, 2013

Carlos Mora vanegas President Hugo Chavez before the constant pronouncement, that all efforts should be to bring its basic objective of instituting a socialism of the 21st century, the Bolivarian revolution can not neglect that represents its plans, be attentive with regard to all those strategies, investigations, actions, commitment to step in once and for all commitments that unfortunately previous Governments did not give relevanceto promote the human development of the country. Our vision, more than a political compromise, ideology, themes that deserve further analysis, it is the stress which represents human development, more in a contaminated Venezuela’s uncertainty, transition, facing changes what its inhabitants were not prepared, put its political history never be had pervaded with a Government’s socialist leanings. Human development refers to changes that human beings suffer throughout his life, as an umbrella term that involves maturation the body, its structures and body growth, as well as the influence of the environment. It involves not only the growth of the organism, nor nor only the maturation of certain functions, but rather contemplates the existence of certain environmental conditions that stimulate or impair this development and, at the same time, they present situations that humans must confront, modify or changed, fix, adapt, transform and transform as part of this process of human development. Comentapnud.org.ve/ that the issue of regional and local development acquired greater importance in Venezuela as a result of the reforms about decentralization initiated in 1989. UNDP started in 1999 the validation of a strategy for the sustainable human development Local (DHSL) which was extended by four years to 22 municipalities in Venezuela. This strategy resulted in the production of a set of conceptual guidelines and methodological tools to facilitate the implementation of the DHSL. The strategy of the Local human development constitutes a systematic way of intervene in poor communities expanding opportunities of persons through training and organization for local development, by simultaneously encouraging the conclusion of different development agents for taking advantage of the strengths of the social, cultural, economic, environmental and political conditions of the territories.