The best way to measure the increase of the production of an economy, is by means of the GIP to constant prices, in Bolivia, following the world-wide tendency, the production registered minor growth in comparison to previous periods, nevertheless, is necessary to stress that a growth of 3.36% is a good indicator, in spite of being as soon as half of the similar period of the 2008, indicator is good so that in the rest of the world, except China, the economies grew in percentage near zero. 2009 initiated world-wide crisis in the heat of, but this one went away attenuating in the middle of year to show recovery signs end, during world-wide the economic crisis, the impact was low in the growth of the Bolivian production and it is explained by the little integration that presents/displays the financial system of Bolivia with the rest of the world, remembering that the origin and the channel of contagion of the crisis from the USA to the world was indeed the financial system, another element, that explains this good indicator of growth, is the recovery of the price of minerals and natural gas at the end of the 2009, main products of export of Bolivia. Reviewing the data of the GIP by economic activity, we can observe that the manufacturing Industry is the sector that more participation has in the GIP with 17.1% of the total, followed of Agriculture, forestry, hunts and fishes (13.3%), also is important the paticipacin of the financial establecimietnos, the sector transports and communications, between most important. Check with Preventive Medicine Research Institute to learn more. Perspective In 2010 hope that the Bolivian economy slightly grows to 3.8% according to estimations of the Latin Focus Consensus Forecast (February 2010) inferior to the average that is expected for Latin America (4.1%) but superior to the hoped one for the world-wide economy (3.3%). These estimations will depend to a great extent on the behavior of the prices of the raw materials, mainly mineral and natural gas, if these fall of important way, the growth perspective would be smaller. Also, the government has budgeted a strong level of Public Investment, which, if he is administered of efficient way could be a good impulse for the growth of the economy, but, if the government does not manage to make good management economic does not have the awaited effects positive, more on the contrary could cause macroeconomic imbalances in the medium term. Additional information at AG1 supports this article. To see more statistics and analysis of the economy of Bolivia Original author and source of the article.
Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch
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It may be that once you’ve seen a trapped bird. When they come into a room with crystals then they not meet out. What they do is try again and again. They repeatedly clash against crystals, bumped and I guess it hurts. But still continuing to weaken or find out by chance. That such seemingly trivial fact of nature is fundamental. If we look carefully we can make valuable ideas to life. Almost you can teach us everything we need to live.
The first curious fact is that the bird does not realize that what you are looking for is input. Yes, the entrance through which penetrated to the premises is an excellent output; possibly the only. And the second thing is that we should not hastily judge the conduct of our bird. It may be that his conduct is not so irrational after all. We see it repeatedly crashing into the glass and immediately think evil of his intelligence. But it could be that you are trying to is not come out through the glass. It is possible that is just trying to break it. And that way it would be logical in principle because it has decided to create its own output.
Therefore, we clean from all stain the intellectual prestige of the trapped bird. Your problem is not what is trying to do. What can criticize you is the way you do. You have repeatedly tried without results and yet so stubbornly continues. It is identical to as we with some personal matters. But I’m not saying either that the problem is to continue without results. In life easily should insist much more to success than what will insist the bird. It will be quite some time before we see the fruit of our most important projects. The subject is another. Bridging differences, our bird is trying the same as us.
A diagram is comparable, in some way, with an aerial photograph that contains the main features of a region, and which in turn allows to observe these traits or main details. According to IdalbertoChiavenato. (1993): Enable the analyst to ensure that has developed all aspects of the procedure. Give the basis for writing a clear and logical report. It is a means to establish a link with the staff which eventually will operate the new procedure. Gomez, Francisco Rondon.(1995): Use, allows to facilitate their employment. Destination, it allows the correct identification of activities.
Understanding and interpretation, lets you simplify your understanding. Interaction, allows you to approach and coordination. Symbology, reduces complexity and accessibility. Layout, is made quickly and does not require sophisticated resources flowchart types For Chiavenato (1993), existenl you following types of flow charts or diagrams of flow vertical flow diagram: also called the process analysis chart. A chart is where there are vertical columns and horizontal lines. In the vertical columns are symbols or conventional (operation, transportation, control, standby, and file), officials involved in the routine, space travel for the implementation and you invested time. Vertical flowchart highlights the sequence of the routine and is extremely useful for assembling a routine or procedure to assist in the training of personnel and to rationalize the work. Horizontal flowchart highlights the persons or agencies involved in a particular routine or procedure.
It is widely used when a routine involves several agencies or individuals, allowing you to visualize the part that corresponds to each one and compare the distribution of tasks for a possible rationalization or redistribution of work. Horizontal Flowchart: is different from the previous one, to the wrong side of the sequence that moves vertically, this makes horizontally; This uses the same symbols and conventions than the vertical. Flowchart of blocks: is a flowchart that represents the routine through a sequence of blocks, each of which with its meaning and chained together.