Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Strategies Against Fears

April 12th, 2024

What can executives, however, do employees work without fear in my anti stress coaching I meet fear again and again on the phenomenon. This is reason to deal with this topic in more detail for me. Fear has direct parallels with stress. Contact information is here: Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. I would like to enter on these first. The term stress is today very often colloquially used.

People complain about stress, they stress, or they suffer from stress. There is no stress. I would like to differentiate here more. There are stressors (Stressurachen) and stress amplifier (mental evaluation of causes of stress) stress reactions (reactions of the body negatively evaluated stress causes). We perceive 60,000 things according to some studies per day, but unaware what my world is irrelevant most, since every perception leaves traces in the brain that so characterizes us. These perceptions first land in the center of the brain, the amygdala or almond essence.

There subconsciously evaluates the perception. For more information see Daryl Katz. And This is done on the basis of distinct patterns. The result of the evaluation is carried out primarily with three levels of escalation: perception is unimportant. Then, this perception in deep unconscious brain regions is saved and not further considered. Usually we don’t remember these perceptions in the normal state. The perception is important and requires a more sophisticated look. Then this perception at higher, more sophisticated brain regions, partly down to the level of consciousness is redirected, there matched with existing experiences and possibly other reactions are stimulated. The perception is very important, perhaps life-threatening and requires an immediate response. Then, an immediate reaction of the body, such as pulling back the hand of one hot item success. The most perceptions take place on the 1st level and does not reach the level of consciousness. The evaluation of perceptions on the 2nd level lasts tend to be slightly longer. These perceptions are then evaluated as a threat, there is stress reactions.

Parkinsons Disease

March 29th, 2022

Approximately 300 thousand Morbus Parkinson people Bruchsal, September 19, 2009 – this disease starts insidiously and may exhibit nonspecific symptoms over the years. Jr. follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Only in the middle stage of the disease, if tremors or muscle stiffness occur, the disease is recognized. Up to this point are usually non-specific and for those affected as difficult for the doctor to recognize the symptoms. In an early diagnosis, progression of the degenerative nerve disease may be slowed but clearly through a targeted therapy. This disease is caused by a continuous, accelerated regression of important nerve cells in the brain that are responsible for the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. 60 to 70 percent of the dopamine-producing nerve cells are destroyed, it comes to the known symptoms. Affected register often frequent pain in the neck belt shoulder or a slowing of movement, rigidity, and a discrete change in the gait or posture at the beginning of the disease. Also the facial expression of the sick is reduced and the image smaller and the voice monotone and quiet.

At the beginning of the disease, 20 percent about suffer a depression and anxiety or sleep problems. The earlier effective treatment is started, the opportunities to slow down the progression of the disease are greater. In an early diagnosis quality of life and daily life ability can be obtained much longer! More and more people under the age of 40 suffer from Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is the most common degenerative diseases of the central nervous system in addition to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The number of new cases will double in the next 25 years according to experts estimate. For a few years, the experts, whether now discussed the ketogenic diet (for example low-carb CARB low nutrition) could positively impact also in diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. The so called ketone bodies could be the reason for the positive effects of low-carbohydrate diet, which makes the liver during the ketosis as an energy carrier. For example, the ketosis in epilepsy throttles that may Hyperactivity of the brain cells.

The utilization of glucose in the brain is reduced in Alzheimer’s patients. The emergence of a defect in the mitochondria plays a role in Parkinson’s patients. In experiments on mice, the scientists found that actually in Alzheimer’s mice the deposition of so-called amyloid beta protein in the brain has been reduced by the ketogenic diet by 25 percent. The Parkinson’s disease mice were protected in a one-week infusion of ketone body part before the typical nerve damage and movement disorders. There are today isolated studies with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s patients, which showed positive effects with this form of diet. Jutta Schutz was born in Saarland and their professions are: Secretary, accountant, tour guide, author writer and journalist, and lecturer (VHS). In addition, she studied psychology. She lived in the United States, Morocco and South Africa and today in Bruchsal. Suddenly migraine help with suddenly low carb diabetes: non-fiction with part of the recipe is no carbohydrates, a little guide what is low carb. Once I was diabetic (background information about low-carb) Cookbook: but Cookbook please carbohydrate-poor – meat dishes: carbohydrate arm vegetarian and baking without flour (77 recipes) miracle need time busy with the issue of transsexuality and the intention appears to be that to clarify what mental problems is a young man who believes to be a woman.

Ozone Training

January 3rd, 2022

Antioxidants can protect Lung also in summer damage endurance training as jogging, cycling, golf or swimming is very healthy, if performed correctly. It prevents cardiovascular disease, strengthens muscles, protects the bones from osteoporosis and doing well also overweight. Endurance training is also work and metabolism. It must be made more power available. Sugar and fat reserves to be burned. This creates not only muscle power, but also metabolic products accumulate it, which must be disposed of.

These metabolic products include especially reactive oxygen molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are defused quickly under normal conditions and can do no harm. However, they occur in mass or the waste disposal system is not fully functional, the harmful oxidative stress arises. This harmful effect can be reinforced in the summer, when the training on warm days with high ozone levels in the air takes place. Research has shown that certain antioxidants, such as CorVitum, the claimed lung can help to recover faster.

Not every free radical generated in the metabolic process is oxidative stress. To some extent, free radicals are needed to keep metabolism running. But too many of these free radicals, caused, for example, for endurance training then it can become a problem. It is known that free radicals can destroy other vital molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, i.e. DNA. If this effect is exacerbated by the aggressive ozone then also, it can be dangerous not only for the lungs. This is to prevent it. For this purpose, the body has a very sophisticated system available, which consists of various antioxidants to oxidative stress to overcome and to protect in particular the lung. However, this defense system will be maintained also. Getting enough antioxidants have to be absorbed with food, to fully to be functional. This is not the case, it comes to harmful oxidative stress. And that is the case with endurance training more often, because the consisting of the antioxidant vitamins C and first defensive series of the immune system is overloaded. Now, Australian researchers have investigated whether the situation can be improved through the consumption of antioxidant vitamins C and E.

GesundheitsWelt GmbH

March 10th, 2018

Healthy diet helps prevent against colds Wolfsburg, January 19, 2010 – proverbs about the influence of food on our health abound. Incorporated into, for example, the saying of the everyday enjoyment of an Apple, which ideally would keep the doctor from our life has become. Indeed, many foods have a health-promoting character, especially in terms of the immune system. These include mainly fruit and vegetables and the secondary plant pigments contained therein and vitamins. Secondary plant pigments are those ingredients that make fruits and vegetables, what in their colours are: red, green, and yellow. Or but blue, orange and purple. In particular, those who are known to strengthen the immune system, are called carotenoids, flavonoids and Phytoestrogens.

Tomatoes, carrots, squash and peppers are among the carotenoids because of their red colour. Apples, pears and bright grapes with its yellow skin, however, to the flavonoids. The most famous Phytoestrogen is the soy bean. In addition to the effect that bolster the immune system, these plant hormones Act”in addition also regulating a on the hormone House old. To get the protective benefit from these foods, experts recommend not to peel off the piece of fruit or vegetables because these natural dyes are in the shell or skin.

Usually a careful cleaning in advance is sufficient. If you have concerns about an exposure to pesticides, can rely on organic products. Also the vitamins contained in different varieties of fruit and vegetables have a positive effect on the defenses. It is known by the vitamin C that it supports special immune cells, the white blood cells in their function. Christina Impala which directly is GesundheitsWelt GmbH was founded in a young online companies from Wolfsburg, which 2007 employees of the Deutsche BKK. The Internet portal offers its customers quality tested products around the topics of health, fitness and wellness. This is rounded off Service through a carefully researched editorial content. Contact: GesundheitsWelt directly GmbH contact Mr.

Skin Disease: Acne

November 23rd, 2016

Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Depending on the severity of the acne makes vulgaris (common acne) felt by an oily skin with pimples, pustules and blackheads. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. Zits and pimples on the face, neck and decollete occur of ordinary acne with the onset of puberty. Usually the skin disease disappear after puberty by alone again.

The pimples, which are typical of acne, caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin. There are different forms of acne and acne on the back, under the armpits, or even in the genital or gluteal region can occur depending on the shape and curve. Acne acne occurs when symptoms most often on the face, neck or decollete. The typical characteristics of an acne have pimples, blackheads and pustules and a greasy skin. Usually the skin improves again with the end of puberty. The symptoms of Acne can be pronounced differently.

The Zits and pimples occur, that the skin’s sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum, therefore clog and then become inflamed. The acne is very pronounced, arise from this inflammatory nodules, crusts, abscesses and scars. Often these infections are painful. Treatment of acne treatment for acne is tedious and usually only shows first successes after a longer period of treatment. The treatment of acne depends on its present form and the severity of the skin condition. Often several methods of treatment over a longer period must be tried to find an effective means. To prevent scars, should start treating it as far as possible in the early stages. To reduce the excessive sebum of the pores and to combat the inflammation or bacterial infection and to disinfect the skin is essential in the treatment of acne. “The complete InfoBox Acne” to do this, see