Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Strategy Health

July 24th, 2019

Therefore, not a responsibility of a professional or some professionals, but of all society. In studies carried through for one it has equipped of students of nursing in So Paulo, in the year of 2004, the joined results demonstrate that the professionals of the health, as the nurses, communitarian agents of health, technician, among others, in a percentage of 62% of the searched population if they found in situation of estresse, being that the most affected they are, exactly, the ACS. This estresse has as cause the situations faced for the professionals, in its daily ones, during the communitarian work is the result of the exclusion of the same ones in the Program of Health of the Worker of the Public Power (CAMEL and ANGERAMI, 2004). In accordance with Camelo and Angerami (2004, p.19), ' ' the presence estresse of it and the incapacity to face it can result in such a way in physical and mental diseases, as in lesser manifestations, such as insatisfao and desmotivao in trabalho' '. Others including Newcastle University, offer their opinions as well. this influences directly in the quality of the work given for these professionals, who finish for passing of agent the sick person, a time that, to the being affected for a disease, either mental or physical, the same must be moved away from the work; fact that goes to provide losses to the health system of the country. The research still points that of the 37 searched professionals, where 62% had pointed to suffer from estresse. It had also 48% of these suffered from estresse psychological, as anguish, will to run away, among others while 39% of estresse physical, as fatigue, fatigue, among others. In general lines this is a common scene in all society, therefore the workers of the Strategy Health of the Family pass for the same conditions in all country. Without if speaking in the period that runs for acquisition of contagious diseases, a time that act directly with the people in its residences, or the Rank of Health, many times without knowing the pathological diagnosis of the patient (CAMEL and ANGERAMI, 2004).