The main sources of vitamin C are: fruits, citrus fruits, vegetables, etc. Now we will explain the functions of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, and K): vitamin A (retinol): we can find in foods of animal origin, and in vegetables we can find as provitamin A, in the form of carotenes (these are transformed into vitamin A in the body). Most of this vitamin is stored in the liver and in the fatty tissue of the skin by what you do without her long periods of time. It is a good natural anti-oxidant that eliminates free radicals and therefore helps to slow cell aging. She also participates in the growth and maintenance of skin, teeth, hair, nails, and bones. It also helps the good vision.
The major sources of vitamin A are: dairy products, egg yolk of egg, liver, spinach, carrots, lettuce, etc. Vitamin D (caciferol): this vitamin is formed in the skin by effects of the Sun’s rays. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is essential for growth and body development, especially for the mineralization of bone during growth, and to maintain the health of bones and teeth in adults. The main sources of vitamin D are: egg yolk, milk, liver, cereals, etc. Vitamin (tocopherol): vitamin protects the fatty acids. It helps in the formation of red blood cells.
It is a super antioxidant, which protects cell membranes from free radicals which cause premature aging. Helps to prevent many diseases, since it decreases bad cholesterol, protects the heart, retards cell ageing, etc..The main sources of vitamin are: vegetable oils, legumes, vegetables, liver, whole-grain breads, peanuts, etc. Vitamin K (phytomenadione): we can highlight 3 K: K1, K2, K3 vitamins. It intervenes in the coagulation of blood. Help to the development of the huesosy prevent internal bleeding. The main sources of vitamin K are: vegetables, fish products, vegetables of green leaf, liver, etc..