Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

The Absorption

May 31st, 2019

The main sources of vitamin C are: fruits, citrus fruits, vegetables, etc. Now we will explain the functions of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, and K): vitamin A (retinol): we can find in foods of animal origin, and in vegetables we can find as provitamin A, in the form of carotenes (these are transformed into vitamin A in the body). Most of this vitamin is stored in the liver and in the fatty tissue of the skin by what you do without her long periods of time. It is a good natural anti-oxidant that eliminates free radicals and therefore helps to slow cell aging. She also participates in the growth and maintenance of skin, teeth, hair, nails, and bones. It also helps the good vision.

The major sources of vitamin A are: dairy products, egg yolk of egg, liver, spinach, carrots, lettuce, etc. Vitamin D (caciferol): this vitamin is formed in the skin by effects of the Sun’s rays. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is essential for growth and body development, especially for the mineralization of bone during growth, and to maintain the health of bones and teeth in adults. The main sources of vitamin D are: egg yolk, milk, liver, cereals, etc. Vitamin (tocopherol): vitamin protects the fatty acids. It helps in the formation of red blood cells.

It is a super antioxidant, which protects cell membranes from free radicals which cause premature aging. Helps to prevent many diseases, since it decreases bad cholesterol, protects the heart, retards cell ageing, etc..The main sources of vitamin are: vegetable oils, legumes, vegetables, liver, whole-grain breads, peanuts, etc. Vitamin K (phytomenadione): we can highlight 3 K: K1, K2, K3 vitamins. It intervenes in the coagulation of blood. Help to the development of the huesosy prevent internal bleeding. The main sources of vitamin K are: vegetables, fish products, vegetables of green leaf, liver, etc..

SPA Relaxation

May 29th, 2019

The jacuzzi collaborated greatly with the development of some disciplines like hydrotherapy which have favored treatment of certain ills that afflict humanity; because of this in this article we will discuss the importance that currently has jacuzzi and show some advantages that they bring these in households claiming the. The jacuzzi are deep bathtubs usually built in materials such as marble or porcelain, they possess certain outputs of pressure water greatly resembling a whirlpool system that possesses several characteristics that make them special, such as the ability to vary the temperature, create bubbles and form unique environments with the help of aromatherapy. Today the jacuzzi are very common elements both in homes and in relaxation sites such as hotels and SPA centers, since its main virtue is to generate a series of sensations such as relaxation, pleasure and comfort; usually the jacuzzi are offered as one of the main virtues of almost all of these sites today. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Barbara Martin Coppola. The jacuzzi in the homes are designed in somewhat different ways to those built in Hotel centres and SPA, because in some homes the size may influence in manufacturing, but in the same way these give the public the same benefits. Today found that the jacuzzi possess certain abilities for the treatment of some evils, especially some of them as muscular trauma or articular and other treatment much simpler as mental burdens; all these traumas are seen clearly benefited thanks certain factors as: aromatherapy.

Muscle relaxation through the bubbles. Massage by the pressure exerted by the water. Mental and muscle relaxation thanks to the temperature of the water. Muscle recovery, thanks to the muscular distencionamiento. Hydrotherapy for injury joint. It helps as the circulatory and the lymphatic systems.

Although there are many more factors that greatly assist with the health of people who use a jacuzzi, these are the most recognized by experts. Today some processes that collaborate are evolving enormously with the jacuzzi, because to this you are adding you some other virtues as chrome the therapy and the audio therapy, which have proved to be an excellent complement to the jacuzzi. At present no single jacuzzi are used for therapeutic purposes, but also for decorative purposes, as the amount of designs of bathtubs, shapes, colors and materials is that a hot tub can be built, as one of the most used decorative elements makes it today. In conclusion, the jacuzzi is presented before us as a good way for the treatment of many evils that afflict us, not to mention that the decorative ability that they possess, make it an excellent decorative tool. That now no longer exists so any excuse to stop having a daily element so full of virtues as the jacuzzi in each of our homes.

Maqui More Powerful

May 29th, 2019

Maqui is a Berry color purpura that it is cultivated in the Chilean region of patagonia and is consumed by the mapuche Indians to support the resistance, strength and health. Maqui contains a lot of antioxidants called polyphenols and anthocyanins, which are substances that protect our body from free radicals in our body, protect us from UV rays, irradiance, diseases and external enemies; Why maqui superberry promotes health and prevents premature aging. Maqui have value or higher content of antioxidants in comparison with other antioxidants such as Noni, mangosteen, Goji Berry, Acai, Granada. Maqui brings the following benefits to our body: supports immune system healthy. prevents aging premature. protects cells from stress oxidative. Dean Ornish M.D helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. neutralizes the radical free. supports healthy cardiovascular.

contains high levels of polyphenols and anthocyanins. Aristotelia chilensis, known as maqui, clone, maquie queldron or koelon, belongs to the family Elaeocarpaceae, which is formed by 10 genera and about 400 species!, with distribution in tropical and warm temperate regions of the world (with the exception of the African continent). Two genera found in Chile: Aristotelia and Crinodendron, with three species. It is a very abundant plant and grows in humid grounds, with distribution between Illapel and Chiloe; in both ranges, the Central Valley and in the Juan Fernandez archipelago. Maqui is a tree that reaches 4 to 5 metres in height. Its bark is smooth and detaches into long fibrous strips. Its leaves are Evergreen, numerous, simple, pendulous, shape oval, and provided with a petiole (something like the leaf sprig) long and reddish. It flowers between spring and early summer.

Its fruit is a Berry black and glossy, sweet pulp, inside which two seeds are found. They are edible and mature at the end of the summer. Maqui is a species native to Chile, dioica (male flowers and) female develop in different trees), and in the wild is a species that invades the land abandoned, forming extensive forests.

Second Layer

May 28th, 2019

How had been acquired the 3 layers in First question Layer? Badly acquired Second Layer – Desired, was an Inheritance Third Layer? Imposed the Layer Badly Acquired Symbol of the Magnificent one, Impediment and for the preachers as occult sins. She was without a doubt one of the layers prettiest. The fact is that what we classify as pleasant to the eyes, what it seems that is not badly. Yes, it can not seem badly, but it is against will of God. To follow the God leading things of the past, inheritance of the Satan. When we accept Jesus we must leave the Satan to lead what he belongs to it. To open hand of what not lode of God.

God destroys the foundations of the Satan. God does not use to advantage remaining portions of the structures of the Satan. God reconstructs everything of the zero. To follow the Jesus we need to leave the knapsack. It goes to change its life, to prosper, for that is necessary you to leave everything what he is badly and this that nobody perceives, the necessity to leave stops backwards what does not give.

To say I am New Creature, is necessary to make something before: Liberte of the past! The old things already had passed Jesus not accepted remnants of the past to construct its history. Has how much time you follows the God without recebr nothing? However, God does not use the book of the devil to construct its life. It writes a new book, comes back to the zero, more to reconstruct its life, God to free goes you of what you loved in the world. Preventive Medicine Research Institute wanted to know more. When you become free yourself of the layer, everything start to move, place fire in what she confuses its growth! Nothing of the way is not recommenced it way, is of the beginning. ' ' Nobody sewing new cloth patch in old vestment; because the new patch strap has left of the old vestment, and is bigger the rupture. Nobody puts new wine in odres old; of the opposite, the wine will breach odres; in such a way loses the wine as odres. But new wine sets in odres novos' ' (Landmarks 2:21 – 22). To recommence is to make right everything and to give to place God to work. It continues. ,

The Reality

May 28th, 2019

That nothing, my portion woman, who until then took shelter itself is the portion best that I bring now in me she is she makes that me to live Who gives, Could all man understand, Mother, who gives. To be the summer the apogee of the spring and alone for it to be. Who knows the superman comes in them to restitute the glory, Moving, as God, the course of history Because of the woman ' ' It is inside of this universe that hour we glimpse, that the Theology appears of feminine matrix. It can until saying that the feminine Theological reflection if compares the cited Biblical ticket in evangelho of Lucas 15,8-10: ' ' The joy of God if resembles a woman who, when losing one dracma, lights the light bulb, sets to sweep it all the house and looks for careful mind until finding it, and then calls all its friends and neighbors to festejar with joy for having it joined. ' ' Dracma symbolizes the meeting and the discovery of the woman from its experience of God and of the theological work that the women experienciem in day-by-day and always go gaining more space until if becoming party in public square, where all woman is invited to dance and to express with joy in a comprehensive language for all. Necessity becomes here, to show that theological activity of the woman looks for to be: – Integrator of the diverse dimensions human beings, force and ternura, joy and I cry, intuition and reason. – Communitarian and relationary: it collects great number of experiences that state something lived and direction, thus people if recognize, and if they feel interpellated by the reflection. – Contextual and concrete: part of the reality geographic, social, and cultural, perceiving the vital questions of the community. One is about a theological activity marked by the daily one of the life as a place of manifestation of God.

The Absolute

May 19th, 2019

But, we like adrenalin, and we go down for a more difficult way. It came the age of the darknesses, the slaughter on behalf of ' ' Deus' ' , later, ' ' it comes back to fontes' ' of the reason, ' ' iluminismo' ' , a light, by the way, used to kill, as the nocturnal hunters who dim the hares, paralyze them and kill. ' ' Justificados' ' for the ecclesiastical aberrations they had been for the opposing side. From there of this ' ' luz' ' it derived atesmo more and its alternatives the God, being the notable the theory of the evolution. Now that we are in sop of the mount, of the other side, natural to try to have animals as parameters, after all, they are ours ' ' semelhantes' '. Of the plan of Creation, the thing is ece of fish as finished workmanship, not devoid of improvements. ' ' it reproduces as espcie.' ' The Creator said. More, he presents the man as to be fallen, insufficient in itself, devoid of God, inclined to the moral degeneration.

He does not have gaps to fill, only, relation to restore. To know more about this subject visit Dean Ornish M.D. The Absolute one bequeathed the Spirit and its values, moral slight knowledge in the man. Interesting that many act as animal and want the endorsement of God, to perhaps be of esteem; animals, but, treated as children. In the truth, God already esteem its animals he created and them as such, of the men, wait that they reflect Its Image, Christ. It is certain that the moral destruction goes to increase, therefore, the majority is mentally ill of God, and, few has courage of being inconvenient and politically incorrect, despite, verazes. The ones that is Mr., however, are exortados, same being here, in the base, to search things of the top, where they are the treasures of the wisdom. ' ' Therefore if already you revived with Christ, you search the things that are from above? ' ' Col3; 1

Espirito Santo

May 14th, 2019

However, all apostlica blessing signs up Father Filho and Espirito Santo; The model when includes baptizing It as a name to be invoked next to the Father and the Son, finally, Joo unifies them. ' ' Because three are the ones that testify in the sky: the Father, the Word, and the Espirito Santo; these three are um.' ' I Jo 5; 7 Politesmo would be if we had a God more than. If you have read about Preventive Medicine Research Institute already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But, God gave the Law, Jesus fulfilled and perfected its content, and the Espirito Santo made to remember to the Doctrine of Christ, what it shows complete interaction between the three people, being one alone God, as well as a couple, exactly being two, if it says that one alone meat is, such its communion when it has love. These that denies this, the least if give to the work to explain who are Jesus and the Espirito Santo, and they do not firm arguments in omissions, having the vastness of the revelation to use. Source: Newcastle University. I do not have illusions how much the one that these make what they advise, a revision of concepts, but, still write thus, in attention the possible drifters whom they need to firm position. Vi one of these to never make a concession the arguments ranks, in way that not they will make, so certain are of ours ' ' erro.' ' Ones, until uses heathen triads pra to prove that this comes of the paganismo. However, always we saw the false one to imitate to the true one, never the opposite, in way that ' ' cpias' ' exprias do not disqualify the doctrine of the Trindade, before legitimize, it. ' ' The porfia is the perseverance of the side avesso, the longanimidade of diabo.' ' Zeferino Rossa