Therefore, it is possible to perceive that psychosomatic it is: ' ' a science to interdisciplinar that it integrates diverse specialties of the medicine and psychology to study the effect of social and psychological factors on organic processes of the body and well-being of pessoas.' ' (WIKIPDIA, 2010, electronic document). The Man is a biopsicossocial being, of this form, is necessary to consider the illness and the sick person as a whole, indissociados, therefore the mind influences the body and vice versa. If you would like to know more then you should visit CEO Mark Thompson. Jlio de Melo (1994) in says in its text ' to them; ' psychosomatic conception: vision atual' ' that: ' ' all illness human being is psychosomatic, since it happens in a being always provided with addition and psique, non-separable, anatomical and funcionalmente.' ' (p 19). Still on the psychosomatic Volich (2000) it adds that: Heiress of the chains that conceive the unit body-soul, the psychosomatic search to understand the existence human being, the health and the illness according to this integrated vision, intent for the manifestations of this unit in the citizen conceiving, by means of it, the therapeutical action. (p: 52) After this brief contextualizao some investigations start to appear, of that it forms the body suffers to ' ' caprichos' ' of the mind? It is possible to only see the patient with cancer as one adds adoecido? Which the relation between the cancer and the psychosomatic one? Let us start, then, to look the answers. PSYCHIC CANCER X = PSYCHOSOMATIC. To discourse on this topic we will mainly use in them of the ideas of the Simonton researchers (1978) that they had given to total emphasis to the psychological contents while afetadores of the chemistry of the organism and production of illnesses of psychosomatic character. It is known that the addition functions as ' ' one palco of emoes' ' , in accordance with the ideas of McDougall (1996), adoecendo as form to punish themselves or to protect themselves of psychic traumas, the author still affirms that: ' ' it is only unloaded in the action when the affective overload and mental pain exceed the capacity of absorption of the defenses habituais.' ' (p 17) We know that our body is endowed with a complex and intriguer imunolgico system, that fights with all the forces to protect our organism of everything what it he is strange and harmful.
Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch
Monthly Archives: October 2020
Institution Internment
The existence of a cuidador, the adequacy of the residence for correct attendance, the fulfilling of report of guiding to the service carried through for doctor, the medical lapsing, as well as, the term of acceptance and familiar responsibility for the responsible one also must exist and be in agreement. The cases for high or disconnection of the patient who uses the services home care as rules stipulated for the Institution in study are for patients who, to leave of being using of the plan; they do not need specific cares; where the service facilities start to be inadequate, that is, the physical characteristics of the domiciliary environment become inapropriadas; it has necessity of hospital Internment; it has cuidador lack; it has refusal on the part of the familiar patient or continuing treatment and death. In a question-answer forum cancer research was the first to reply. DOMICILIARY INTERNMENT: REDUCTION OF COSTS Is varies the advantages of the Domiciliary Internment, between them is the humanizao concept which confers the respect for the habits of life of the patient, accompaniment of the family of integral form, excusing hourly preset for visits, greater interaction between team, familiar patient and, creating a link of affectivity and confidence, adhesion of the family in the treatment for being involved and cliente of the necessities of the user, better therapeutical reply. The program of Domiciliary Internment constructs to a new logic of attention in health, focando the promotion and prevention to the health and in the humanizao of the attention. Educate yourself with thoughts from PIMCO. Moreover, it represents a reversion in the attention centered in hospitals. In relation to the disadvantages they pontuam the lack of availability of operating team in the 24 hours, the necessity of high qualification of the functional body, the necessity of a cuidador to give attendance to the patient, the control in relation to the feeding and the supply of equipment and medications that still can be considered a little limited. Connect with other leaders such as Vadim Belyaev here.