Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Skin Disease: Acne

November 23rd, 2016

Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Depending on the severity of the acne makes vulgaris (common acne) felt by an oily skin with pimples, pustules and blackheads. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. Zits and pimples on the face, neck and decollete occur of ordinary acne with the onset of puberty. Usually the skin disease disappear after puberty by alone again.

The pimples, which are typical of acne, caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin. There are different forms of acne and acne on the back, under the armpits, or even in the genital or gluteal region can occur depending on the shape and curve. Acne acne occurs when symptoms most often on the face, neck or decollete. The typical characteristics of an acne have pimples, blackheads and pustules and a greasy skin. Usually the skin improves again with the end of puberty. The symptoms of Acne can be pronounced differently.

The Zits and pimples occur, that the skin’s sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum, therefore clog and then become inflamed. The acne is very pronounced, arise from this inflammatory nodules, crusts, abscesses and scars. Often these infections are painful. Treatment of acne treatment for acne is tedious and usually only shows first successes after a longer period of treatment. The treatment of acne depends on its present form and the severity of the skin condition. Often several methods of treatment over a longer period must be tried to find an effective means. To prevent scars, should start treating it as far as possible in the early stages. To reduce the excessive sebum of the pores and to combat the inflammation or bacterial infection and to disinfect the skin is essential in the treatment of acne. “The complete InfoBox Acne” to do this, see

The Decree Law

November 11th, 2016

The initiatives of organization of programs of graduation in metrologia had been always discouraged to if considering the metrologia as a science to multidiscipline 37, with interface in some areas and specialties of knowing, limiting all the concrete activity in the graduation when adopting the insertion of you discipline of metrologia to the existing courses already. It was always justified that the activity of metrologia is related to the formation technique-professional of the area of Engineering to be complemented by a training or specific specialization to the part, or same that the creation of you discipline and courses spray the resources destined to the university. The Decree Law in the 240 (1967) that it defined the Politics and of the National System of 38 Metrologia, in the relative chapter to the education and formation of staff, already foresaw specific prerogatives to the INPM (previous agency to the Inmetro), and its delegated agencies (today called RBMQ-I), how much the organization of courses of metrolgica formation, of superior and average degree, to prepare of technician in metrologia, allowing for this end, agreements with autarchic or private public agencies, including the International Distribution Weights and metrolgicos Measures, and other agencies foreigners, and for establishing the way in such a way as courses and the respective programs would have to be given as the way to defray them. Since this time it comes being foreseen actions with the objective to guarantee the continued education of the metrologia, without they are materialize. The strategical lines of direction to consolidate the development of the education and the metrolgica culture in Brazil, (2008 – 2012) 39 cites diverse challenges to be reached: the promotion of the basic research and the implementation of programs for formation; the certification of people with abilities and the elaboration of program of insertion of metrolgicos contents in you discipline of the courses of superior level; the promotion of the scientific and technological research in all the academic levels.