On many occasions, speaking with a colleague, a collaborator or a boss, we convey an idea, a proposal, or a statement that is not understood by our partner, so that the result is not that we wish. How may be, if you have not understood the effective communication depends on many issues, and poor understanding and implementation of the message influence many factors 1. It may be that I have not explained well, it has not been able to say all that I wanted to say and the message is incomplete. To avoid this, you should prepare it before, studying the fundamental aspects of the message, and anticipating possible objections; in many cases, we improvise, we build the message on the fly, which if it is not sufficiently clear for us, how we want to be it for another 2 person. Sometimes common sense, my friend – is simply a physical issue.
For example, I worked on a parquet factory, and therefore, I know that convey a message beside the machines cutting wood is not the best way to do so 3.! Sometimes it can happen that the other person have various concerns in the head, she is busy with something else, any distraction to its scope, and so on, and do not listen to us carefully. To verify that you are paying attention, and that he is understanding the message, we can assess their nonverbal communications (for example, if it is watching us carefully, or listens to his papers, clock, or what passes through the window), and ask questions of control, to know if you are following the thread of talk 4. There are cases when communication fails because the speaker simply does not understand what you have said (on occasions, show it by putting rare faces). We must take account of this possibility, and speak so that the other person can understand, depending on their training, experience, etc 5. Darcy Stacom, New York City addresses the importance of the matter here.