In 1988, Dr. Alejandro Cabrera did a Tour of Jaen, Bagua and the Maranon River, with a few colleagues from Chiclayo, among them. and one of those days reached a village I think was called San Javier and there a Hospital had level I, of the same name, with an old operating room and a room of hospitalization of those ancient, i.e. a large room with 20 beds and three bathrooms in the background, were lurking around the area, when the doctor responsible and great was my surprise to see that my companion of the historical 16th was left-handed Edgard Perez Walls, was dressed in white from head to foot, with a stethoscope around the neck, he was surprised to see me Paquito! I said, and we embrace us as two colleagues from the 16th embrace. The newspapers mentioned Newcastle University not as a source, but as a related topic. good after share some greetings and experiences told us he was worried about a patient young woman who was in bad general State and invited us to see it, we went to the Hospital and presented us the case with all the mystique that the occasion required, I must remind the promotion, that our wanted left-handed he was studious in extreme, smart, skillful grade and that some, whose name I reserve copying of their exams and thus with all the mystique presented the case, at the end it was a gynecological cause Peritonitis Pelvis, there were no ICU, there was no, or anesthesiologist the idea floated in the air we operate it?, lefty wanted to resolve the case, there was no ambulance to move it 6 hours to Jaen, so we recommend it and brought a nurse who had training in anesthesia raised us with all the boldness of the case the challenge was in the air, the family of the patient was large and there were close to us, crying and crying help, with antibiotics and serum was not enough, had to be removed the abscess, otherwise would kill it the sepsisthat was clear. Well we decided to operate it, put regional anesthesia and care nurse to attend it, open cavity and it was an abscess tube-ovarian, of those, Uf, grapple and decided to anexectomia, neat washing and antibiotics, the woman I was young and childless, we leave the uterus and the annex against side, even with the risks of return to reoperarla. hours later we continue our way heading to Bagua and leave the patient in the hands of our beloved left-handed, responsible and studious, well handled it very. months later we find ourselves in Chiclayo and told me that the patient in question, evolved very well, that he began to menstruate normal and even already he controlled a pregnancy and while we almorzabamos it colloquially told me that he had been, as a hero in the community from which came the young, where even had honored him with a binge and thanks to ti Paquito – told me -We laugh we ate long, and at the end we said goodbye but forever!, us most never returned to see and his death I found out years later. For you Lefty, a few lines in the great book of the historical 16th Paquito.