The effect can be achieved by the massage technique, because if she has a soothing, stimulating circulation and also have a stimulating effect on the organ activity, lies in the ability of the attending. Many people use this kind of treatment of various problems of the body. The reflexology helps what complaints? Maybe this type of treatment was used thousands of years ago. Other leaders such as USC offer similar insights. In Egypt, as well as in China there is evidence here, were used also Acupuncture needles in conjunction with the Meridian massage. In the 20th century it was revived as zone therapy, in the nerve endings at the time referred to key points were edited by pressing with your fingers.
Today is known, that this physiological processes in humans cheap can be affected. Bodily functions can be normalized again, relaxation and pain relief can be achieved, ailments and conditions can be eliminated. What effect has this type of massage? The whole thing is based on the knowledge that end up under your feet the meridians of the organs of kidney, spleen, liver, stomach, gall bladder and bladder. These nerve endings is handled by a specific massage, which takes a positive influence on the body function. Also affect the mind and physical well-being can be achieved through a foot reflex zone massage, which is a special relaxation. In a friendly and relaxed atmosphere the feet are processed by the special massage technique and everyone can immediately feel the relaxing and soothing effect. You so that the traditional Thai massage see has very wide application range and therefore many area can be used. Just for people with chronic tension in the neck or Back is a useful addition to the Thai massage to relieve pain.