With its large selection of films from all regions of India, Bollywood and beyond is considered ‘ as the Festival outside of the subcontinent with the largest variety of film. In addition, numerous events, including the Linden Museum and in the Indian held business center. Dean Ornish M.D: the source for more info. About 250 guests came alone to the official opening of the India week in the Stuttgart Lapp Center in Vaihingen, where the two artists Poonam Choudhry and Valeria Frohlich titled Indian encounters 2 “presented their colorful, imaginative works of art. Also the Indo-German business forum, which was organized by the film Office Baden-Wurttemberg e.V. and the auditing firm KPMG enjoyed great popularity.
Managers from all over Germany gathered there on business opportunities in India. You may want to visit Ellen Alaverdyan to increase your knowledge. KPMG’s Managing Director Stefan Held had to commit 16 experienced speakers from India and India expert. But the concerts, readings, and dance workshops were well attended. Critical issues, for example India and its megacities blessing or curse?’ or India and its neighbors ‘ were at the tea talks’ discussed. In an Indian village from the SI-Centrum, you could feel like on an Indian market and in smell, taste, and buy. The next Bollywood and beyond’ film festival 2010 is already secured. Andreas Lapp, Honorary Consul of the Republic of India for Baden-Wurttemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate and main sponsor of the Festival, said at the weekend his financial support.
The move to the SI-Centrum was the right decision. I am excited and will continue to support in the next year the Festival.” Similar to positive, it looks also Volker Dittmer, Marketing Director of the SI-Centrum. We are excited about the high popularity. We were able to offer more to not only the musical guests, but also for the team of Stuttgart, the Festival was a beautiful occasion to visit the SI-Centrum. For us it was worth it, the film Office has already succeeded in the first year to revive the SI-Centrum from morning till night. That’s why we are next year like again.” Festival Director Oliver Mahn: we are with Bollywood and beyond’ on the right track. Shows us that we have had so much popularity despite major financial constraints, how great is the interest in Indian cinema and the culture of India with us.