Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Organic Dairy Food

December 1st, 2015

Pro-biotic bacteria are often but not always, selected bacteria that normally inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of humans. Sometimes the term pro-biotic is used as a synonym for “bacteria eater, beneficial”, but it is a misuse. The commensal flora can be beneficial, but until they are isolated, characterized and shown in human studies to provide a support for sickness, can not exactly be called “probiotics.” Also, the pro-biotic should be safe. Once designed for commercial use, these bacteria are purified, grown in large numbers, are concentrated in high doses and are preserved. Commercial products are provided in one of three basic ways: * as a culture concentrate added to a food, with little or no opportunity for growth * culture inoculated into a milk-based food (or dietary supplement) and allowed to grow at high levels in a fermented food * Pro-biotic bacteria have a long history of association with products milk. This is because some of the same bacteria that are associated with fermented dairy products also make their homes in various places in the human body including the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and vagina. Some of these microbes, therefore, play a dual role in transforming milk into a diverse array of fermented dairy products (yogurt, cheese, kefir, etc.), And contribute to the important role of bacteria colonization. Dairy products can provide a desirable vehicle for probiotics for several reasons.

To date, however, there is little research on the impact and effectiveness of pro-biotic vehicle for the various forms. This is an important part of future research. Dairy products can protect. Traveling through the human digestive tract can be a challenge for bacteria. High levels of acid in the stomach and exposure to secretions such as pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile in the small intestine can lead to injury and death of a percentage of orally administered probiotics. Although some bacteria are more resistant than others to this stress, eating probiotics with food, including milk, yogurt and other dairy products, lower the acid in the stomach and can increase the likelihood that bacteria will survive in the gut.

The cold storage of dairy products promote probiotic stability. Although the level of lactic acid in yogurt can be a barrier to cultivate stability, short-term cooling generally promotes stability. Living cultures in dairy products have a positive image. The consuming public may have a generally negative image of bacteria in food, but are aware of live and active cultures in fermented dairy products, and these cultures carry a positive, healthy. Probiotic bacteria in dairy products can be a comfortable extension of the association of cultures in dairy products, and make it easier communicate health messages to the public. The mix with the healthy properties of dairy products. A dairy product containing probiotics makes a functional food healthy. Besides vitamins, calcium, other minerals, and protein derived from milk products, modern research has suggested healthful properties of peptides derived from fermentation and butyric acid found in some dairy products. Dairy products have recently been shown to be important components for a healthy diet for the prevention of osteoporosis. Consumption of three or more servings of dairy products each day has been associated with lower levels of obesity among Americans. Obesity is associated with diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.