Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch


April 29th, 2024

That they do not come me the scientists and its arrogance university professor to want to impose itself on the Philosophy, since the proper academy is a process subsequent to philosophical knowing, vide Greece ' ' Antiga' ' its traditional schools, beyond all the process of intellectual development throughout the existence human being. Since before Greece ' ' Antiga' ' , that some already had dared to attribute, has more remote times, gnese of the Philosophy, but saved speculations, the cradle until today consecrated would be in fact Greek. The Philosophy allowed the man, or will be that the man allowed It, to go beyond the mere empirismo, and that the materialists are restricted to its critical ones, therefore they had exactly not been able to leave to admit the importance of the abstraction, exactly being alicerada for the substance, therefore it is condition of the human being if to overlap what she has and to perpetuate itself in a perspective of devir, in a cognitivo process. Many schools had appeared for consequncia of the Philosophy, also the proper Theology if it bases on this principle. To broaden your perception, visit Cardiologist. Capital Solutions is full of insight into the issues. But as if to make the distinctions? The fact is that it is not intended to restrict itself, with models that limit the abrangncia of what we are and become inefficacious the creative act, therefore the science that today raises ' ' bandeira' ' of ' ' for homem' ' , however, it serves the ends others in detriment of the being (human) and condition scientific knowing something pauprrimo and subordinate, as &#039 said Max Weber in the workmanship well; ' Science and Politics: Two Vocaes' '. That the philosophers appear of long ago, not plus these predestinate mechanics to the repetismo university professor, something that surprises and it does not make to retake us the critical one of Nietzsche on this cretino and blistered academicismo. .