Worried about this question, some educators are in search of optimum way to follow, contributing for one better development of the reading. According to research, the state schools present greater index in relation to the difficulty with reading, however, valley to stand out that it happens in all the institutions of independent education of the segment (public or particular). It is of utmost importance to deal with this situation, while educators, to have the conscience of that the difficulties presented in the reading are intensely on to the development of the abilities in the writing proceeding from alterations or errors of syntax, estruturao, organization of paragraphs, punctuation, as well as all the necessary elements for the composition of the text. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. is often quoted as being for or against this. The difficulty of reading and writing is .causing of conflicts and distresses in the individuals that suffer for having these difficulties. Checking article sources yields Blackstone Group as a relevant resource throughout. Therefore the majority of these pupils presents difficulties in reading correctly, with voice tune and hardly it knows and it respects the punctuation, the lack of habit for the reading, the lack of incentive on the part of the family. Pupils who present limitations to learn and need a medical accompaniment and adequate methods of education must be attended and able professors. Thus, if a pupil does not hear well, fatally will find more difficulties in learning of what its friends.
Pupils with emotional affective problems also to the times if feel inferiorizados and are tachados as sluggish, had to the disinterest in reading. These children demonstrate unreliability, inhibition and disinterest for the school, thus, autoestima diminishes and if it isolates and develops an aggressive behavior with the friends and professors also are soon taxed as violent. Of this form, the paper of the school is not more of mere transmission of information; today, it is demanded that it develops the capacity of the pupil to learn, what subentende the domain of the reading and the writing. The pupil, in the universe of the culture scholar, develops the ability to dialogue with the read texts, through the capacity to read in depth and to interpret significant texts for the formation of sensitivity, the culture and the citizenship. The school comes, therefore, consisting as privileged space for the learning and the development of the reading, therefore if of the o decisive meeting of the child in the act to read there. Therefore, the objective of the school is the integration of the pupil with the society and to facilitate its access to the world of the adult. The school has accounts to adjust with the society and the families, therefore the same one has attemped to prove its efficiency, making responsible the pupil for its failure and not assumeing its role as it would have. It lacks the adjustment enters the characteristics of the pupil and the considered method in classroom.