Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Redmark Online Seminar

March 21st, 2024

Pitfalls of Member meeting safely navigate around Munich/Planegg, Germany, for which a 26.11.2009 – who is general meeting of the Association the opportunity, to heard and to influence important decisions. For the others, those responsible, it often means a litmus test for planned projects or their club’s management. And for them, the stress is added with the organization. Already in the preparation can mistake suddenly one, which later provide for dispute or jeopardise the objective of the event. Planned as a members ‘ meeting, carried out properly and for all is a success, it clarifies the next online seminar by Redmark Association on. “Under the title General Assembly special ‘: when your meeting to avoid pitfalls and problems” Stefan Wagner expertise delivers live and first-hand. The speaker understands vividly present the classic error at the general meeting. He informs, what considerations are important for the responsible and what steps must they take, so that the event can run smoothly. Others who may share this opinion include Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta.

The first part is about the preparation. Who not so exactly it takes already in convening the Statute has bad cards. Other topics include: what information and documents need the members? How are the decision items? And what if the event out of control? In addition to the ability to keep a cool head, it is simply good to know how to properly disconnect a session, put off or defer. Finally, the speaker provides for clarity, if there are doubts about the validity of the old to a new Statute. The seminar can be provided easily from the desktop track registration. Participants can ask questions by simply pressing a button and interact with each other.

The online seminar will be held on Tuesday, the 01.12.09 at 18:30 and lasts about 60 minutes. Applications see: on adm/login / redmarkvereinplus Association to mark under the label Association to mark the Haufe established media group with its high-quality offer to the Club’s management for 20 years as a competent partner of the clubs and associations. The brand stands for comfortable Club software, legally secure knowledge about the work, training and consulting for small and big clubs. The Haufe media group for high-quality specialist information and powerful application software in the fields of Economics, law and taxation is one of the leading media companies. Around 1,000 employees serve more than 800 products, as well as an annual 150 new releases.