Q: Help-account canceled or does it work? Answer: It was reported earlier that "01" August 2009. Help-bill, which was issued earlier in the commission store, ceases to exist, and in return will be issued a contract Sale of motor vehicles (number units). This innovation is based on the entry into force, with "01" August 2009. paragraph, second subparagraph of Paragraph 2 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26 July 2008 N 562 (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 31, art. 3735). However, after the entry into force of the innovation, the local authorities had the right to decide on the extension of information – account for the individual territories, and was done in the Novosibirsk region. NCI brings even more insight to the discussion. Thus, at present on the territory of the Novosibirsk region act as a sales contract vehicle, and reference account. Q: Help-account or contract of sale for car Which is better? Answer: – if the car will be placed on record in the Novosibirsk area, you can make as a reference account, and the contract of sale car at your discretion, and both the Novosibirsk stsi take a job – if the car will be placed on record in another region, it is better to issue a contract of sale vehicle.
This measure would avoid the difficulties with registration in areas where local authorities have not extended the Help – account. Question: Can you make yourself a contract of sale car, and does not apply to the pawnshop? Response. You are free to arrange the sale of, for example, print the agreement Sale of samples available on the Internet. It is important to do this correctly, what would the traffic police took documents to the job. In this case, the basic requirement for registration of the transaction in writing – is the presence at the moment Registration in the traffic police of both the seller and the buyer, ie, Both parties of the transaction should be present in the traffic police with the passport. The presence of the seller when registering a vehicle in the traffic police are not required if the transaction was executed through Specialized pawnshop. Thus, if the car is sold in the remote region, or a car salesman does not want to waste time on travel in the traffic police, it is better to use the services of commission for the store processing the transaction. Q: Can our organization to engage in self-registration of contracts of sale of cars? Answer: Maybe, if the following conditions: – The charter of the organization should be registered form the activities of the Commission motor trade "- the Organization must be accredited by the traffic police to work with special products, and a monthly report to traffic police on all transactions made as to help – by and by contracts of sale for car