Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

Senator Piedad Cordoba

July 1st, 2023

Again, the relations between Colombia and Venezuela are in a delicate situation. Truly sensitive, would have to say. The recent history of difficulties between the governments of Bogota and Caracas lead us to the case of the corvette Caldas, when he came to speak, even of saber rattling in a clear allusion to the incident could end up in a war, which fortunately, never happened. Later, with Uribe and Chavez as protagonists, presented the difficulties associated with the capture of rebel Granda in Caracas, by a command that was subsequently turned over to Colombian authorities in Cucuta. At that time the Venezuelan government’s discomfort was evident and these are passed to the facts: for some time the border crossings was restricted not only for people but for goods that are sold daily on either side of the border.

The two cases were resolved through international mediation and the application of basic principles of diplomacy internationally. But today we are again faced with a case considered by experts as more serious than previous ones. The Colombian government abruptly decided to suspend the mediation of President Hugo Chavez and Senator Piedad Cordoba to the issue of humanitarian exchange whereupon the Miraflores palace said in the first instance in moderation, arguing that it was a sovereign decision of Colombia . However, during the days of the Venezuelan president’s displeasure was evident and was louder until Sunday reached unexpected levels when in a public ceremony in Maracaibo, used strong terms to refer to his Colombian counterpart.