Strong women draw that they clearly articulate their needs. What do we mean by a strong woman\”? For a long time, strength has been equated with the masculine and weakness with the female the strong and the weak sex. Means to be strong, like a man be? Definitely not. Strong women characterized by that their services are, clearly articulate their needs and say politely, and certainly no can. Understand so, how strong you are! Language is an integral part of strength and power. Because language is something we take for granted, we pay too little attention to reactions that we unconsciously provoke with words and receding. This often underestimate the power of words.
Success and satisfaction are inextricably linked language. Improve your words, improved your life, too. In my coaching and training I often experience that women tell me: it comes but not on words, but on Competence, performance, and operational readiness.\” \”Of course, performance is an important criterion, but she must accordingly sold\” so that she will be noticed. It is not enough just to be good only in your professional field, only the correct commercialization will take you to the destination. Maintain their own PR! \”The former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once aptly said: men do little good and talk a lot about it, women do much good and talk little about!\” She wanted to demonize not the man certainly with this quote, but urge women not to stand in the shadow.
Women are often awkwardly expressed, and significantly devalue their achievements and Personlchkeitsentwicklung. An example from everyday Office: Overflowing recycle bins. \”Says the head of Department: Mr. Schmitz, empty the recycle bins – but immediately!\” \”The female superior, however, says: the bins should be emptied occasionally times!\” What do you think what please is Mr Schmitz respond faster? A \”classic example in the coexistence of man and woman: you: the lawn should be mowed once!\” What do you think? The husband pick up will be at once the lawn mower? Instead, it would be so simple, courteous and determined to articulate a desire.