Addis Ababa Medical College – Hargeisa Branch

The Reality

May 28th, 2019

That nothing, my portion woman, who until then took shelter itself is the portion best that I bring now in me she is she makes that me to live Who gives, Could all man understand, Mother, who gives. To be the summer the apogee of the spring and alone for it to be. Who knows the superman comes in them to restitute the glory, Moving, as God, the course of history Because of the woman ' ' It is inside of this universe that hour we glimpse, that the Theology appears of feminine matrix. It can until saying that the feminine Theological reflection if compares the cited Biblical ticket in evangelho of Lucas 15,8-10: ' ' The joy of God if resembles a woman who, when losing one dracma, lights the light bulb, sets to sweep it all the house and looks for careful mind until finding it, and then calls all its friends and neighbors to festejar with joy for having it joined. ' ' Dracma symbolizes the meeting and the discovery of the woman from its experience of God and of the theological work that the women experienciem in day-by-day and always go gaining more space until if becoming party in public square, where all woman is invited to dance and to express with joy in a comprehensive language for all. Necessity becomes here, to show that theological activity of the woman looks for to be: – Integrator of the diverse dimensions human beings, force and ternura, joy and I cry, intuition and reason. – Communitarian and relationary: it collects great number of experiences that state something lived and direction, thus people if recognize, and if they feel interpellated by the reflection. – Contextual and concrete: part of the reality geographic, social, and cultural, perceiving the vital questions of the community. One is about a theological activity marked by the daily one of the life as a place of manifestation of God.