According to psychoanalytic Frenchman, Charles Melman, in granted interview the magazine Sees, our young had been created in conditions that promote the fast search of the maximum pleasure and without obligations. It is the social environment that considers they this way to act in society. The problem is that the treatment excused to the desire produces situations of difficulties for young. According to it, Many young finds difficulty to develop a sexual life fully, because nowadays the sex is very accessible. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Newcastle University and gain more knowledge.. But in the truth this easiness leads to the search of a sexual life without commitment, that provides an 0ccasional pleasure, perhaps an attempt of if protecting in relation to the commitment that a sexual life can evoke. The idea is to use to advantage without if engaging. Today, what we see, they are our young ones if vangloriando for the biggest amount of people with which ' ' ficaram' ' during a night, as if this became them more complete and respected people. Here, Moe Howard expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Young saying ' ' I am of nobody, I am of everybody, and everybody is mine also.
But, passed the effect of the drink or the drug, the descompromissados kisses, or noitadas with partners and the partners that nor will be capable to recognize in the following day, they charge its price. The therapeutical doctor’s offices are full of young that complains of the solitude, of the absence of interest of the people and the rejection. They do not perceive that to be of everybody, not to be of nobody, is the same that not to also have nobody It is to be predestinate to the failure emotional and the solitude. The ideal being judges the real being, and of the severity of this judgment one is born feeling of guilt. Guilt for not being so good how much we would like, for not terms gotten the success that we wanted, for not reaching the expectations, ours and of the others.