We do not value their health until it is. Additional information is available at IKEA. We are willing to pay any money to restore it when we become ill. Such is human nature, and it is unlikely it can do anything. We all know perfectly well that prevention is better than cure. Know. But many of us use this knowledge in practice? Hardly.
Therefore, it is hardly worth talking about prevention. Anyone who takes preventive measures to preserve their health, worthy respect if only as a very strong personality, but there are relatively few. So, we'll talk about treatment. What is the treatment? This is usually the causes of any discomfort. And for reasons based on outlook and training of doctors, and, importantly, the patient may include a variety of factors. And do not always address these factors leads to a complete recovery.
We give a simple example. I am an alcoholic with state is far from ideal. Very far. But he knows that it is enough to knock out a wedge wedge. Again used the alcohol, the person comes back in a comfortable condition which suits him. Him well. But whether it was cured? No course. In this particular situation, as we all understand the need to treat not poisoning the body products of the processing of alcohol, and the alcoholism. We proceed similarly and we are in various other situations. We spread it with ointments localized sore on the lip – a consequence of herpes, but the herpes virus, once released into our body, we can not destroy.