learning experiences. With it, at most, you can achieve the development of certain skills for work and the work itself, is not the meaning of life, if it was not even aware of the interdependence that exists between what do and the harmony necessary for the survival of our species and the evolution of the cosmos. The concepts of integrity and integration in education, acquired a new meaning for me since the first half of the Masters. Before that, as a teacher, I looked like an outsider in the process, as someone who encourages learning outside of the students, as if I were sure what they should learn and interpret the same way. I understood that I was not out, which was part of a learning community, I would realize it or not, and that such integration within the community, could only experience it if I could my own integration as an individual, i.e. and be not divided. Otherwise, my own traumas disintegrating, and my prejudices, preferences, beliefs, attitudes toward life, dislikes, reductionist training, etc. limit me to a greater or lesser degree to see and understand my students as they really are and help them reflect on who they know themselves. Play without rejecting and talk to discern two key educational processes have been central to the holistic dialogue, I know I have not yet acquired the depth I wanted, but I try to take awareness and implement, whenever the opportunity arises . I have come to understand its enormous importance for the development of full consciousness and full presence of the holistic educator.