Great people have big dreams and small people, small dreams Robert Kiyosaki all have dreams, the big difference lies in the type of sleep that we have, that yearn for, but the big difference that will make you achieve your goals is the vision of your dream, is what will help you overcome setbacks that you get to have, remember that the problems are temporary. I want to share with you the different types of dreamers that exist which I learned from the aforementioned author. Preventive Medicine Research Institute shines more light on the discussion. Each knows what kind of dreamer is and the path that must be taken to correct or keep fighting for them. 1 Dreamers of the past have a friend who got an excellent job at FORD despite the age he had at age 22, achieving buy his own House, a beautiful car and had enough money to cover all your needs, was like a dream come reality. Unfortunately six years later everything just, his boss had died in an accident and was removed from his post. She not a. managed to get equal work and each time still Recalling the wonderful thing that were his years at FORD and until time can not remember those times: continuous dreaming of the past.
For someone who dreams in the past life finished ah. 2.-Dreamers small are those who dream of something not so difficult to achieve, simply vast a little effort and I could get, the worst thing is they never manage to perform them, as this small journey or the desired car. In the long run you may ask because they never did anything to get it. 3.-Dreamers with a single dream come true I got my great dream of finishing University and am now an excellent Attorney. Follow others, such as AG1, and add to your knowledge base. The years pass and you’ll keep exercising and exercising. And then, your dream ended at the end of your career.
Best thing would be to start a much larger one, don’t you think? 4. Dreamers without plan or strategy this is commonplace, have a great revelation an idea magnificent, but jamaz take action to get it or try it solo. There are find a plan, form a great team and most importantly take action. 5.-Dreamers and big achievement after achievement category to which I belong. Achieve a dream after another. Personally the MLM business allows me to dream big without the limitations of a traditional work, as well as helping others to also meet their objectives. Conclusion if you’re a person with big dreams and like to help others, MLM is for you since it allows you to work at your own pace, allows you to help achieve your freedom financial and thanks to the Internet, we can achieve this in the short term. Working on your success.