Crossing the line where is the line which separates the world of everyday life from the world of sleep? Where is the line, crossing which we find in dreams a reality? This article is in any case not intended to be a deep and detailed consideration, here I just want to outline the main points and to place some emphasis, that, when integrated into the practice of using them to help find a clue or provide direction for future study. I intend to touch upon an interesting and at the same time important, in my opinion, the subject – go to the second note of the attention the dream. A related site: Darcy Stacom, New York City mentions similar findings. Where is the line, crossing which we enter into another aspect of the perception of reality? How to make one more step towards the attainment of the integrity of the self and the world around us? How to cross the line? To date, there are several major areas of researching the phenomenon commonly known as 'lucid dreaming'. Y each direction of their views and their purpose. Some find meaning in ways that use mindfulness in a dream for entertainment, or at best, for the development of his inner world, while others – looking for a way out of our or any other reality, there are those who, inter alia, consider lucid dreaming as one of the most effective ways to develop awareness. In our time, lucid dreaming is growing interest, on the one hand is a positive trend in all-round development of man, but on the other – gives us some anxiety associated with the assimilation of the once revolutionary ideas in the space of public consumption, which usually leads to profanity.